Friday, April 3, 2009

Jason's Garlic Burgers

A while back, our 14 year old son, Jason asked Kelli, "Why doesn't Dad take pictures of the things I cook?" Well the fact is, Jase doesn't cook much....a little Ramen noodles here, a little Mac and Cheese there.
Tonight, we decided to have him make dinner. We thawed out a couple pounds of ground beef and I instructed him on how to make a consistent patty without blowouts on the edges. I also explain to him that you need to make the inside of the burger thinner than the edges, so when it expands, you don't wind up with a meatball.Here I was showing him how to fire up the lump in the chimney, on the Char-Griller.
Burgers on the grill, Seasoned with Granulated Garlic and a couple shakes of Plowboys Bovine Bold.

"Dad, hurry up and take the pic already"

Take a look at those grill marks.....

Here is Jase's Big Boy pose.... He couldn't stop laughing....

Close up of my burger. It had the perfect combination of wood fired smokiness with the juiciness of the ground beef...all in all a fantastic burger!

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